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Our concierge services can dramatically improve the look and feel of your home & maximize your selling price. We meet with our clients to determine what services will give the greatest return on investment. During the SIP (Shelter in Place), we are meeting with clients through Zoom - We take care of the project management at no costs to our clients and offer a team of trusted partners that will design and complete the improvements at our preferred rates.

Our concierge services include the following and more:

➡️ Staging
➡️ Handymen
➡️ Interior Design
➡️ Color Consultation
➡️ Carpet Deep Cleaning
➡️ Renovation Consultation
➡️ Interior and Exterior Painting
➡️ Flooring and Hardwood Specialists

➡️ Landscaping Design
➡️ Kitchen Improvements
➡️ Custom Built Closets
➡️ Outdoor Improvements
➡️ Bathroom Improvements
➡️ Basic and Deep Cleaning
➡️ Cabinets and Countertops
➡️ Sewer Lateral Inspections & Remediation

➡️ Roofing Repair
➡️ Windows and Doors
➡️ Water Heating Specialists
➡️ Tile and Stone Specialists
➡️ Inspections and Evaluations
➡️ Moving and Storage Services
➡️ Electrician and Plumbing Specialists
➡️ And more….